Totteridge Farm

Short Walks on the Farm
for our guests
(Exercising the dog!)
Fancy a quick walk to run the woof or get a bit of fresh air before breakfast?
These easy routes are right on your doorstep, and there are no hills to climb, rivers to wade through, or swamps to get stuck in and all these routes are on Totteridge Farm property You'll only need light footwear, and the routes are not normally muddy (well, apart from winter!). Not all parts of these walks are public rights of way, and most of them are permissive rights of way, for use by people like you!
1. Really simple. It's right next to you! 10 minutes.
A breath of fresh air, first thing in the morning! 10 minutes.
Just beyond the caravan site is a leafy lane on your right. Stroll along here to the end, past the cottage on your left, and out on to the road. Turn right, passing in front of Littleworth House, and turn right again at the T-junction. Follow the road for about 500 yards, and turn right, following the farm track. Time for breakfast!
2. A bit more adventurous. A couple of miles.
Resident guests only, not all a public right of way.
Heading out of the farm track towards the road, camping visitors only may turn right at the end of the field before the track forks, and follow the side of the field down to the corner, next to the cottage. There's a gap here, leading through to a swampy paddock full of reeds, where you can join the public footpath. Turn right (boots might be an advantage here, definitely in winter), and follow the track over the stream and up to short cinder track to the field ahead.. Keeping the railway on your left, follow the edge of the field to the the phone mast, and keep going along the hedgerow to your right. After half a mile, you'll reach a muck heap, with the road behind; just keep following the field boundary, past the metal gates on your left, and on down to a gateway and steep track down to the water meadow. Hop over the stile on your right, and follow the footpath along the meadow back to the farm buildings. Turn left past the flag pole, and follow the farm road back up to the Pod Site and CL.
Allow 30 to 45 minutes.
3. Across the road. Up to a mile.
Head out along the farm track to the road, and cross over into the fields opposite. There are three fields here: one straight in front of you, another to your right leading down to the railway embankment, and a third about 300 yards ahead of you. There are hedgerows between the fields, and you are welcome to walk around any or all of the field margins. There are great views of Martinsell Hill The ground is usually firm, although it can be a bit muddy in places in winter. These are permissive paths, and a few people walk around these fields, both with or without dogs, so keep a lead handy if you're taking your woof with you. Allow half an hour if you're walking the whole perimeter, less if you just walk round one field.
